It would have been kind of neat to see engraftment today, seeing as in Transplant 1, engraftment started on Day 17. But nothing yet. The expectation is that it would take longer this time with the bone marrow, but we keep looking at the calendar and having to deal with that every morning again. So I had a transfusion for platelets this morning - another HLA matched bag. We'll see what response I have in the morning to that. Hemoglobin has been sliding slowly from 78 to 76 today. The slower rate of decline is a good indicator that things are well in my body and I'm not burning up cells as fast. The platelets have shown that as well. So we continue to wait and have had another "boring" medical day in my hospital room. I had some nice phone calls, played some games with Barb, and generally had a quiet day together. We're thankful for it!
A quote from Spurgeon from our evening devotions.
Pray for this experience; Psalm 17:7 "Show Your marvelous loving-kindness!" He will do it! He will bring you up, out, and through--not necessarily in the way you would like to come but in the best way.
Lord, grant us that good gift to trust You for that promise!
Prayer Requests
1. Pray that engraftment may take hold and that new stem cells may begin to work.
2. That the Lord may continue to show me and my family His "marvelous loving-kindness!"
1 comment:
It has been awhile since I have commented, but that does not mean I've forgotten or not been watching and reading. God does love you all and is in control. I was loaned a prayer course this week.
Prayer is an amazing thing that gives us access to the wonderful God who is in control, has a plan and loves us perfectly. Long before cell phones were invented God had a better more powerful way to communicate with his people. Thank you God for being in loving control, please be merciful Lord and grant engraftment and healing. In Jesus name Amen.
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