Friday, April 26, 2013

Transplant 2 Day 31

This is Karen, posting for my parents tonight.

The neupogen shot went right to work last night bringing Dad's white blood cell count to 1.5.  His hemoglobin was 88 (after three units of blood over the past two days) and platelets were 11.  So no transfusions today.  He received another shot of neupogen this afternoon as well.  It is very good to have a high number for white blood cells and we hope that there are a lot of neutrophils in that number so that they can fight the infection.

Despite the good numbers, it has been a difficult and trying day for Dad.  The fever continues, bringing shakes and chills.  Adrienne did a chest x-ray this afternoon in Dad's room to check his lungs.  He continues to be on oxygen for low oxygen saturation levels in his blood.  His chest pain has eased a little, making him a bit more comfortable.  The one drug Dad is on causes very vivid dreams and therefore, his sleep is not very restful.  This has been difficult for Mom also, as Dad talks and moves around even when asleep.  Dad is very tired and he continues to sleep a lot throughout the day.

Dad is also retaining fluid terribly and his abdomen is swollen.  His kidneys are under serious stress right now and are not working well, due to the combination of the anti-rejection and high dose anti-fungal drugs.  The doctors have put Dad on lasix (a diuretic) though it has not helped yet.  A kidney specialist also came in briefly and he ordered a kidney ultrasound, which was done downstairs in the hospital.  We hope to get results from these tests soon and make adjustments in medication and treatment.

At the moment, Dad is feeling a bit better and more relaxed than he has all day.  He is sitting up and talking with us, which is good to see.  At one point this afternoon, Mom gave him a peppermint which he proclaimed was "the best peppermint I've tasted since I was a boy in church!"  He also enjoyed a good laugh  with his nurse when she was giving him his neupogen shot; she joked that she didn't want to give the shot in his abdomen because he might explode... Dad laughed long and loud at that.  It is good to see his sense of humour shining through the struggles of today.

As we reflect on the events of the day, we go back to Lamentations 3:22-23.  Each day again, we know that the Lord's faithfulness is sure and His compassions never fail.

Isaiah 12:2
"Behold God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation."  


Anonymous said...

A sense of humour even with great pain and struggles...Confidence amid trials...Strength and song in times of difficulty... A quiet patient strong hope... that shines through...knowing God is in control... being sure God is in control and that God loves you perfectly ...certain God can fix (heal) what ails you even when it is tough and painfail ...appreciate your faith and example...and your witness to God's power and love ... God please continue to strengthen Richard and his family that your light ...inside them... continues to shine brightly and be a witness of your love to many for many more years... George Beverly Shea... in music and song glorified and praised you for many years living to yhe age of 104 in this life... God we know you are able to do exceedingly above all we ask... please strengthen Richard and his family ... help them to continue to bear good fruit and be strengthened...In Jesus name Amen

Anonymous said...

Praying and sending you huge virtual hugs!

TBH said...

Praying, praying, praying...

The words of thousands of prayers waft up like incense from the altar of acacia wood, reaching the throne where God is pleased to answer in His time.

Take courage my friends, the positive signs are there...

Thea H.